Click on the picture of the item to link to one option to buy. If the link no longer works then just search the internet or a site similar to Amazon to find another version of the same item.
Singing Bowl: These come in many sizes and thicknesses. Different bowls produce different sounds and wavelengths that represent different shakras. You don't need to know all that to use them, however .They make a very relaxing sound to meditate to. Or you strike them and practice focusing on the sound and letting it go. This is just one, but there are many to choose from.
Misters: This particular store has a lot of great stuff. But I particularly like their "Magical Misters". They have many blends for many benefits, including many relaxing blends. They are great to spray throughout the day or right before bed or meditation. My favorite is the one called Happiness, but I have yet to be dissapointed.
Melatonin: This is a hormone produced in the brain stem naturally to help you get to sleep. Sometimes taking a boost can help with this process. I prefer the liquid because it seems to work better than pills. There are also gummies you can get and a company called Cloudy (as of 2021) makes inhalers so you diffuse the melatonin and it hits you quicker.
Oil Diffuser: I like diffusers for essential oils over candles or other options for three main reasons: (1) Most bottles of oil are same price or cheaper than a nice candle and last much, much longer (2) Essential oils have many health benefits and are better to inhale than chemicals from candles and other air plug ins (3) These machines have relaxing lights, turn off automatically, can run for 6-8 hours on only 3-5 drops, and fill the room with natural scent.
CalmiGo: This popular device made by a Veteran owned company has been very successful at helping people who experience panic attacks. First, you inhale through the nose and take in lavender from a scent pod on the device. Then you breathe out through the mouth until all lights are lit and the device vibrates. It helps control breathing while inhaling lavender to calm. It is pricey ($175)*, but you can get deals and payment plans and it has a 30 day* free return.
*info as of 3/12/21
Cloudy Melatonin Diffuser: I use this myself when I have a hard time sleeping. It contains melatonin (hormone naturally produced by brain stem), grapeseed, chamomile, and lavender and help to increase sleepiness quicker than pill, gummy, or liquid forms of melatonin. It can also be used during the day to help relax and calm. They have other products too, 3 of which I personally use at home. Just FYI, the mist that you may exhale smells like sweet grapes :)